I made homemade butter with one ingredient - it's so easy

I’m always sceptical about recipes and  food hacks I see on social media. Mainly because they’re usually dolled up to look picture-perfect and never a true depiction of what a home cook’s attempt is like in reality.

Not only do they seem to have an underlying flaw that makes lacklustre, they just seem to go to be true. However, sometimes I’ll allow myself to be influenced. Megan Stewart, a lifestyle TikToker, explained how easy it is to create homemade butter from scratch using just one ingredient.

There’s also no need for a butter churner.

All you need is a decent sized tub of double cream and a hand whisk. However, as I have a stand mixer, I worked smarter, not harder.

Essentially the double cream is whisked until it goes through different phases: whipped cream, a clotted-cream consistency, and eventually, butter. The butter is created from the fatty part of milk, separating itself from the buttermilk.

Once whisked, discard the buttermilk into a jug through a sieve. Make sure to press down hard on the butter to release all of the excess liquid. The buttermilk can be saved for a recipe or thrown away completely.

I’ve never been so watchful of my mixer, watching as the off-white cream thickens before curdling. Don’t be afraid of the curdle.

I set my mixer to a medium-high speed. After a few minutes the double cream becomes whipped - perfect for a summer dessert - before slowly getting thicker, and then separating into solid butter and buttermilk. In all, it took around eight to ten minutes on a medium-high speed to separate the two.

Although the buttermilk doesn’t look too appetising, the butter looks exactly as Megan’s did in her video. After straining the buttermilk into a jug, I carefully pressed the butter as much as I could without melting it, to ensure all of the liquid had been squeezed on.

The next step was tipped by Megan as the most important. You need to wash the butter until extremely cold water. Not entirely difficult for this time of year in the UK.

The water needs to be cold enough so the butter doesn’t melt. I couldn’t believe it, I really had made butter. It definitely looked supermarket-worthy.

Once cleaned, I returned it to the bowl and added a light sprinkling of salt and gave it a fold with a wooden spoon to equally distribute it. Then, just because, I rolled it into a thick sausage wrapped in baking paper.

For the moment of truth. It looks like butter, it cuts like butter, will it taste just as good? Yes, it certainly did.

You wouldn’t know the difference between my homemade creation and shop-bought butter. It tastes no different.

Megan’s recipe delivered exactly what it was supposed to. It’s simple and requires minimal fuss - yet a watchful eye. Now I have an extra block of butter.

I have officially entered my ‘trad wife’ era. Although it’ll just be for me.

Homemade Butter


  • 600ml double cream
  • Optional: sea salt or flavoured salt


Pour the double cream into a mixing bowl and whisk until the butter and buttermilk has separated with a hand whisk. Strain away the buttermilk into a jug through the sieve.

Make sure to squeeze any liquid out of the butter. Wash the butter under an extremely cold tap or in a bowl of water with some ice. This ensures the butter doesn’t melt.

Separate the butter into two blocks if you want. Flavour the butter with sea salt flakes or any other seasonings of your choosing.

Store in a plastic container or wrap in baking paper.

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Posted: 2025-03-08 22:59:13

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